
Please click on the links below to view the FAQ answers.

What type of payment do you accept??
We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Venmo, PayPal & Money Orders. All payments must be cleared, before products are sent to production! All of our credit cards transaction are by PayPal and are used under there SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and are protected. There is a $30.00 fee for any insufficient funds that occur from credit cards. We DO NOT accept cash as a form of payment. Cash is impossible to keep track of and there is no record of the amount you actually received.

What type of website we design??
We design any type of format that fits your business. We have created websites for Campgrounds, Schools, Small Business, Personal Websites and Others. We absolutely will not under any circumstance create or maintain any warez sites, adult porn sites or any illegal contents sites. Don't even brother asking! Thank you for your understanding!

What type of logos we design?
We can design any type of logo that fits your company needs. We absolutely will not under any circumstance create any designs that will support warez sites, adult porn sites or any illegal contents sites. Don't even brother asking! Thank you for your understanding! We reserve the right to use stock images in the creation of designs if required. Costs of this will be outlined to the client prior to purchase if not included in the proposal quote. We retains full ownership of design concepts and materials it produces. Once a final concept is delivered to a client, complete ownership rights to the concept transfer to the client. Unused concepts remain the property of Matt Lipsky Design Solutions. MLDS may still use paid-for concepts in its promotional materials and in its design portfolio.

Why do I need the domain name and registration?
Every computer connected to the internet is identified by a unique IP address (such as It quickly became apparent that these numbers weren't too meaningful and as the net grew in popularity it became important to have more memorable ways of identifying the servers. The domain name - unique identifiers that point to specific IP addresses (such as www.mydomainname.com). The domain registration is where your website is located and stored.

What can't I get my product designed or printed?
You will need to download our copyright release form from our website. If you want us to use any of your personal photos. We will not design or create anything without the release signed and dated. Thank you for your understanding! View our PDFgallery buy Clicking here.

I have an image/photo for a design, where do i upload it to?
Send your image/photo/document to this email address: image@mattlipsky.com. Any professional photos or contents, we will not create or design anything without a signed and dated release from the photographers or owner. Please do not use this email address as a form of contact, you will not receive a response. This mailbox in provided only to send your image/photo/document to complete your product with us. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Do you accept returns?
Sorry we DO NOT accept exchanges or returns! Unfortunately we CANNOT guarantee that all products will work for you and your body. Our products cannot be restocked and resold after they ship. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding. You agree to not hold Matt Lipsky Design Solutions liable under any circumstance for items that do not work with body. You are responsible for reading the ingredients and making an informed buying decision. If you have any questions please contact us before buying!

Do you make child size shirt?
We only offer our sizes in adult: S to 3XL! You can contact us about a special order in childs sizes. Due to the image size going on the material. We like to stick with adult size shirts. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.